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At Check4Balance, the document management of all your temporary workers and suppliers is in good hands.

How can we help you?

Do you make (extensive) use of temporary workers through various providers and temporary work agencies or do you often work with staff from (sub)contractors? That requires extensive administration. Check4Balance takes over the compiling of records and administration of all required documents for you and monitors your (inter)national providers of temporary workers. One less thing to worry about.


Minimise hirers’ liability through monitoring

We monitor the organisations from which you hire or employ temporary workers. That way, you know that your providers have their affairs in order and you minimise your own risks in the area of hirers’ liability and fines.

No worries with precise document management

You need all kinds of documents for your temporary workers. With our service, you no longer have to concern yourself with these. We request all the documents and compile and maintain a complete record of each individual. And we give you structural updates on the state of affairs by means of clear management reports.

Avoid fines with direct availability of documents

The Dutch Tax Authority, Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) and the labour inspectorate check to make sure you have all the required documents for your temporary workers. With our proper document management, you avoid heavy fines, a bad reputation due to publications and stress. Within 24 hours, we include all the requested documents in this service.

Our services

Do you hire many temporary workers, from different companies and at different times? Do you have all the required documents for your (inter)national temporary workers? And do all of your providers still meet all the demands? With Check4Balance document management, we keep the administration of your temporary workers in order for you. And you keep the overview. That way, you minimise the risks of hirers’ liability or fines.

Our approach

We follow these steps for a meticulous record structure and complete document management. During this process, we provide you with structural updates.

Step 1

You tell us from which companies you hire workers. These are often temporary work agencies, freelancer agencies or international subcontractors, but they could also be other companies.

Step 2

We check to make sure these companies/agencies meet all the conditions.

Step 3

We ask for all of your hired temporary workers’ required information and documents.

Step 4

With our digital tool, we collect all this information in two neat reports.

Step 5

Every four weeks, you receive an overview of your temporary workers and the available documents via e-mail. That way, you’ll directly see what documents/information you still need.

Step 6

Every three months, you are sent an overview of your providers and the conditions they do/do not meet.

Step 7

We ‘hound’ them for the missing documents.

Step 8

If the documents still do not come in, you run risks as a hirer. Then you can decide yourself whether to continue doing business with providers that neglect to present documents.

For whom?

Our service is perfect for large companies with many temporary workers from different providers, (sub)contractors and/or other organisations. Or for companies where temporary workers are frequently hired decentrally at different locations and in different departments. With a varying hiring pattern, it can be difficult to maintain an overview of your flexible layer. With our service and accompanying reports, you maintain overview without any worries. The administration of your temporary workers is kept in one place and Check4Balance regularly informs you with complete overviews. We also keep a finger on the pulse with all the organisations from which you hire workers.

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About Check4Balance

At Check4Balance, your record structure and document management are in the trusted hands of specialised, experienced jurists and administrative employees who deal with temporary workers. We stay up to date with the latest regulations and legislation and have extensive knowledge of and both legal and administrative experience with document management.